Source code for perturbation

import math, random
import numpy as np

[docs]class Bidirectional: """ Calculates perturbations for positive and negative changes. :type delta: float :param delta: Percetage of positive and negative change as 1+delta or 1-delta :rtype: 4d array :return: Both of perturbated arrays """ def __init__(self, delta=0.1): = delta def apply(self, x, row, col, window, bias): x2 = x.copy() x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] = (x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] + bias) * (1 + x2[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] = (x2[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] + bias) * (1 - return x, x2
[docs]class Positive: """ Applies a positive perturbation to the input array. :type delta: float :param delta: Percentage of positive change as 1+delta :rtype: 4d array :return: Perturbated array """ def __init__(self, delta=0.1): = delta def apply(self, x, row, col, window, bias): x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] = (x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] + bias) * (1 + return x, None
[docs]class Negative: """ Applies a negative perturbation to the input array. :type delta: float :param delta: Percentage of negative change as 1-delta :rtype: 4d array :return: Perturbated array """ def __init__(self, delta=0.1): = delta def apply(self, x, row, col, window, bias): x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] = (x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] + bias) * (1 - return x, None
[docs]class Log: """ Applies a logarithmic perturbation to the input array. :type base: int :param base: The base of the logarithm. :rtype: 4d array :return: Perturbated array """ def __init__(self, base=10): self.base = base def apply(self, x, row, col, window, bias): x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] = math.log(x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] + bias, self.base) return x, None
[docs]class RandomPtn: """ Applies a random perturbation to the input array. :type r: tuple :param r: The range of random values for perturbation. :rtype: 4d array :return: Perturbated array """ def __init__(self, r=(0, 1)): self.r = r def apply(self, x, row, col, window, bias): x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] = (x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] + bias) * random.uniform(self.r[0], self.r[1]) return x, None
[docs]class Exp: """ Applies an exponential perturbation to the input array. :type exp: float :param exp: The exponent for the perturbation. :rtype: 4d array :return: Perturbated array """ def __init__(self, exp=2): self.exp = exp def apply(self, x, row, col, window, bias): x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] = (x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] + bias) ** self.exp return x, None
[docs]class Binary: """ Applies a binary perturbation to the input array based on a threshold. :type th: float :param th: Threshold value for binary perturbation. :type upper: float :param upper: Value to set if input is above the threshold. :type lower: float :param lower: Value to set if input is below the threshold. :rtype: 4d array :return: Perturbated array """ def __init__(self, th=0, upper=1, lower=0): = th self.upper = upper self.lower = lower def apply(self, x, row, col, window, bias): if np.all(x[0, row, col, 0]) > x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] = self.upper else: x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] = self.lower return x, None
[docs]class Sinusoidal: """ Applies a sinusoidal perturbation to the input array. :type freq: float :param freq: Frequency of the sine wave. :type amp: float :param amp: Amplitude of the sine wave. :rtype: 4d array :return: Perturbated array """ def __init__(self, freq=30, amp=1): self.freq = freq self.amp = amp def apply(self, x, row, col, window, bias): x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] = (x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] + bias) * math.sin(self.freq * x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0]) + self.amp return x, None
[docs]class Gaussian: """ Applies a Gaussian perturbation to the input array. :type mean: float :param mean: Mean of the Gaussian distribution. :type stdv: float :param stdv: Standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution. :rtype: 4d array :return: Perturbated array """ def __init__(self, mean=1, stdv=1): self.mean = mean self.stdv = stdv def apply(self, x, row, col, window, bias): x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] = (x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] + bias) * math.exp(-((x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] - self.mean) ** 2) / (2 * self.stdv ** 2)) return x, None
[docs]class Tanh: """ Applies a hyperbolic tangent perturbation to the input array. :type sf: float :param sf: Scale factor to apply before the tanh function. :rtype: 4d array :return: Perturbated array """ def __init__(self, sf=1): self.sf = sf # scale factor def apply(self, x, row, col, window, bias): x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] = math.tanh(self.sf * (x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] + bias)) return x, None
[docs]class Sigmoid: """ Applies a sigmoid perturbation to the input array. :type sf: float :param sf: Scale factor to apply before the sigmoid function. :rtype: 4d array :return: Perturbated array """ def __init__(self, sf=1): self.sf = sf def apply(self, x, row, col, window, bias): x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] = 1 / (1 + math.exp(-self.sf * (x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] + bias))) return x, None
[docs]class ReLU: """ Applies a Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) perturbation to the input array. :rtype: 4d array :return: Perturbated array """ def apply(self, x, row, col, window, bias): x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] = max(0, x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] + bias) return x, None
[docs]class LeakyReLU: """ Applies a Leaky Rectified Linear Unit (LeakyReLU) perturbation to the input array. :type alpha: float :param alpha: Coefficient for negative inputs in LeakyReLU. :rtype: 4d array :return: Perturbated array """ def __init__(self, alpha=1): self.alpha = alpha def apply(self, x, row, col, window, bias): if x[0, row, col, 0] < 0: x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] = (x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] + bias) * self.alpha return x, None
[docs]class Softplus: """ Applies a Softplus perturbation to the input array. :type sf: float :param sf: Scale factor to apply before the Softplus function. :rtype: 4d array :return: Perturbated array """ def __init__(self, sf=1): self.sf = sf def apply(self, x, row, col, window, bias): x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] = math.log(1 + math.exp(self.sf * (x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] + bias))) return x, None
[docs]class Inverse: """ Applies an inverse perturbation to the input array. :rtype: 4d array :return: Perturbated array """ def apply(self, x, row, col, window, bias): x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] = (1 / (x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] + bias)) return x, None
[docs]class GaussianNoise: """ Applies Gaussian noise to the input array. :type mean: float :param mean: Mean of the Gaussian distribution. :type stdv: float :param stdv: Standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution. :rtype: 4d array :return: Perturbated array """ def __init__(self, mean=1, stdv=1): self.mean = mean self.stdv = stdv def apply(self, x, row, col, window, bias): x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] = x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] + bias + random.gauss(self.mean, self.stdv) return x, None
[docs]class UniformNoise: """ Applies uniform noise to the input array. :type lower: float :param lower: Lower bound of the uniform distribution. :type upper: float :param upper: Upper bound of the uniform distribution. :rtype: 4d array :return: Perturbated array """ def __init__(self, lower=-1, upper=1): self.upper = upper self.lower = lower def apply(self, x, row, col, window, bias): x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] = x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] + bias + random.uniform(self.lower, self.upper) return x, None
[docs]class Offset: """ Applies an offset to the input array. :type offset: float :param offset: The value to be added to the input array. :rtype: 4d array :return: Perturbated array """ def __init__(self, offset=1): self.offset = offset def apply(self, x, row, col, window, bias): x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] = x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] + bias + self.offset return x, None
[docs]class Constant: """ Replaces all values in the input array with a constant. :type c: float :param c: The constant value. :rtype: 4d array :return: Perturbated array """ def __init__(self, c=0): self.c = c def apply(self, x, row, col, window, bias): x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] = self.c return x, None
[docs]class Custom: """ Applies a custom function as a perturbation to the array. :type func: callable :param func: A function that takes a single argument and returns a single value. :rtype: 4d array :return: Custom perturbated array """ def __init__(self, custom): self.custom = custom def apply(self, x, row, col, window, bias): x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] = x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0]*self.custom[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] return x, None
[docs]class UpperThreshold: """ Sets values above a certain threshold to a specified value. :type threshold: float :param threshold: Threshold above which values will be set to a specific value. :type value: float :param value: Value to which entries above the threshold will be set. :rtype: 4d array :return: Array with upper threshold applied """ def __init__(self, th=0, c=0): = th self.c = c def apply(self, x, row, col, window, bias): if x[0, row, col, 0] <= x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] = self.c return x, None
[docs]class LowerThreshold: """ Sets values below a certain threshold to a specified value. :type threshold: float :param threshold: Threshold below which values will be set to a specific value. :type value: float :param value: Value to which entries below the threshold will be set. :rtype: 4d array :return: Array with lower threshold applied """ def __init__(self, th=0, c=0): = th self.c = c def apply(self, x, row, col, window, bias): if x[0, row, col, 0] >= x[0, row:row+window[0], col:col+window[1], 0] = self.c return x, None